Portfolio Case
    • Former president of China Merchants Bank

    • Executive director of China Financial Society

    • Honorary doctor, University of Southern California

    • Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs

  • ·Bachelor of Economics at University of California San Diego.

    Former project manager of Guoxin Securities Asset Management Headquarters; responsible for the bank-certificate

    cooperation related projects including but not limited to entrusted loans, direct fund investment, trust income rights and other related businesses with a total scale of 30 billion RMB.

  • ·Xi 'an jiaotong university bachelor of business administration, cheung kong graduate school of business EMBA.
    ·Former Executive VP of a yacht club. Former CEO of Shenzhen Voyage Century Technology CO., LTD.
    ·As marketing directors, arranged for the openings of 3 top-class hotels in Shenzhen.

  • ·Co-founder of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
    ·Over 40 years of experience in financial management; Over 20 years of experience in the communication industry.
    ·Served as the vice president of accounting, marketing, finance and economics in Huawei.

    Has participated in the Huawei's equity management,restructure, enterprise operations and many other projects.

    Joined Efung since 2012 as a managing partner. Responsible for risk management.

  • ·

    Doctor of Medicine at Beijing Medical University and Ph.D., at Japan Autonomous Medical University.


    Director of Chinese Disease Control and Prevention Center from 2004 to 2017.


    Distinguished Professor of Tsinghua University;Vice President of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, and Executive Director of the Chinese Medical Association. Director of the Institute of Liver Diseases of Beijing Medical University; Vice President of Beijing Medical University; 

    Deputy Director of the Department of Medicine at Peking University, and Deputy Director of Ministry of Science and Technology of China Biotechnology Development Center.


    Won the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Health, the National Science and Technology Progress Special Award, and the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund.

Address: 505 China Resources Building, 2666 Keyuan South Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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